Market review July 2018

An extraordinarily warm and dry July that was a vacation period for many people brought along a decrease in the number of transactions in comparison to the two previous months. About 200 transactions less than in May or June were concluded in July. However, in comparison to last July, the number of transactions increased by …

Market review June 2018

June finished up the first half of the year, giving us a chance to stop for a moment and take a longer look at the changes having taken place over a longer period than the usual month. Even though the Estonian real estate market has developed at different speeds and in different directions, the total …

Market review May 2018

The unusually warm, sunny and dry May still did not have enough power to reverse the transactions agreed earlier. Greatly thanks to the new developments in Harju County, for the third time in the past five years, over 2,000 transactions were concluded (over 200 transactions more than in April). The unusually high share of new …

Market review April 2018

The number of transactions in April was similar to that of March but due to changes in the structure of transactions, the median price was the lowest in the last six months. 1,817 transactions were concluded in April, which was 19 transactions less than in March. Due to a smaller share of the most expensive …

Market review March 2018

March has traditionally been the month of enlivenment in the real estate market – in the past five years, in average, 316 flats more have been sold in comparison to January and February. There were 1836 transactions this March, i.e. 118 transactions more than in February. In total, 5247 transactions were concluded in the first …

Market review February 2018

Even though February brought colder weather, it did not prevent the conclusion of sale/purchase contracts for previously agreed real estate transactions. Compared to January, the number of transactions increased by 19, and by 114 compared to last February – in other words, the real estate market continued to be active, and it was the most …

Market review January 2018

Usually, the beginning of a calendar year is one of the quietest periods in the real estate market. This January was no exception: 243 transactions less were concluded compared to December. Yet, it was the most active January in the past years: 48 transactions more were concluded compared to last January. In total, 1699 transactions …

Market review december 2017

Active December added an impressive final touch to another year of growth in the real estate market. 1942 transactions were made in December, which was more than average across the year, but the median price of the transactions increased to the highest level of all time – 1426 EUR/m2. Compared to November, the median price …

Market review november 2017

Classics would describe the November market review as ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’. November did not have any surprises in store for the market, the aftermarket activity was good, and real right contracts for new developments were mostly concluded earlier. The median price was one of the highest of the year, although it was …