Estonian Real Estate Market review, April 2020

If the market overview of March already mentioned the impact of the emergency situation in the second half of the month, the statistics of April transactions was fully impacted by it. However, in the last week of the month, increased activity could be senses, which hopefully will have a positive influence on the next months, …

Estonian Real Estate Market review, March 2020

The overview of real estate market in March cannot escape the topic of coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak which started to influence the market considerably from the second half of the month. Estonian Real Estate Market in March 2020 As the majority of transactions had already been agreed, no big decline in the number of transactions can …

Estonian Real Estate Market review February 2020

February, which next to January is usually one of the least active months, largely due to the lower number of days, surprised us with high activity this year. 1,972 sales-purchase transactions were concluded in February, which was only inferior to February of years 2006 and 2007. In comparison to last February, over 300 transactions more …

Estonian Real Estate Market review, January 2020

Traditionally, January is one of the least active months in the real estate market – in 2017, the number of apartment transactions in January was third from last, in 2018 second from last and in 2019 the very last. January is mostly associated with lower spending – greatly due to the last quarter of the …

Estonian Real Estate Market review, December 2019

December has ended and we have once again a reason to create a yearly summary of the real estate market. On the one part, December was the quietest month of the second half-year (1,783 sales-purchase transactions), on the other part, however, the month with the highest transaction prices (median price 1,558 €/m2). Estonian Real Estate …

Estonian Real Estate Market review November 2019

November was again a very active month in the apartment market, for the fourth month over 2000 transactions were concluded. Apartment market in Estonia In comparison to last November, 104 transactions more were concluded, and the growth in the number of transactions, which has been extensive, has brought along a rather considerable growth in the …

Estonian Real Estate Market review September 2019

2096 sales-purchase transactions of apartment ownerships were concluded in September. Even though according to common logic September seems to be a rather quieter month, as it is associated with the end of summer holidays and the beginning of school, the reality is far more pragmatic and transactions previously agreed are carried out regardless of new …

Estonian Real Estate Market Review, August 2019

Regardless of holiday waves and the warm August, the real estate market was operating at top speed. According to the final figures, 2,087 sales-purchase transactions of apartment ownerships were concluded in August, which was the second best result of this year. 15,173 transactions were concluded in the first eight months of this year, which was …

Market Review July 2019

If last year it was believed that the hot weather was the cause of a smaller number of transactions, this July proved the opposite. Regardless of vacations and one of the hottest months of the year, 1,927 sales-purchase transactions of apartment ownerships were concluded according to the Land Board, which was over a hundred more …