972 000 €
Price per square meter
135,00 €/m2
Additional information
yard area 7200.00 m2


Address: Lodjapuu tee 181, Pirita linnaosa, Tallinn, Harju maakond
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ID: 7594 / 158948315746981000
Lot area: 7200.00 m2
Ownership: Immovable
Cadastral number: 78402:204:0030

Welcome to Merivälja—a historically established, cozy, and compact area for family homes. This exclusive land opens doors to numerous possibilities. The plot size offers ample scope for your imagination, whether for multiple separate residences or semi-detached houses with a private park.

• This plot can accommodate single-family or semi-detached homes. Additionally, you can plan parks, green areas, playgrounds, or nearby commercial, service, educational, and healthcare facilities that won’t significantly impact the local environment.

• In Merivälja, the recommended minimum plot size is 1,200 sqm, with a maximum building ratio of 25%.

This area is known for its lush greenery, large plots, and seaside location. Amenities such as kindergartens, schools, libraries, and playgrounds make this area especially comfortable and suitable for families.

Contact me today for more information.


If you wish to sell or rent your property, feel free to reach out. I ensure that the transaction will be secure, accurate, well-planned, professional, and impeccably represented.

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