For rent
For rent
For rent
For sale
For sale
For sale
For sale
For rent
For sale
For sale
For sale
The client is interested in acquiring a development property for the construction of an apartment building or multiple apartment buildings in Tallinn or the surrounding municipalities. The preferred range of apartment units is 40 - 100. Larger development areas that allow phased construction can also be offered. The preferred range of apartment units is 40 - 100. Larger development areas that allow phased construction can also be offered.
For rent
For sale
The client is looking for a building in Tallinn. Ideally, buildings with a gross closed area of 6000+ m². You can also offer land, starting from 7000 m². Land for public buildings is preferred, which should definitely have high greenery on it, so that client can design a suitable outdoor area himself.
For sale
Tere Klient soovib leida paarismaja ehituseks elamumaad Rae vallas, eelistatult Jüris, kuid vaatab üle ka muud Tallinna ümbruse piirkonnad. Eelarve max. 130 000€ Vaatame üle kõik pakkumised.