335 000 €
Price per square meter
87,38 €/m2
Additional information
yard area 3834.00 m2


Address: Muraka tee 34, Pringi küla, Viimsi vald, Harju maakond
Open map  Find route to property


ID: 438 / 218072
Lot area: 3834.00 m2
Ownership: Immovable
Cadastral number: 89001:001:1137

A desirable plot of residential land in a highly valued new residential area in Viimsi, by the sea, in the forest! BRYNCKI residential area consists of exclusive properties with high greenery.

The streets consisting of architecturally stylish private houses create a very modern and luxurious environment in the area. Spacious properties are lined with dignified borders and lush pine and fir trees grow on the properties.


According to the detailed plan, it is allowed to design buildings that meet the following conditions on the property:

– total area under construction 300m²
– maximum storey 2
– 3 buildings in total (main building + 2 auxiliary buildings)
– the maximum height of the main building is 9m
– the maximum height of the auxiliary buildings is 5m


Recommended materials to be used in the architectural design of the building have been presented in order to preserve the beautiful and complete community of the area.
Exterior finishing materials: concrete, glass, plaster, brick, wood.
The height of the borders including the hedge is a maximum of 1.5m.


The price of the property includes:
– water, sewage and rainwater connections
– electrical connection (3x25A)
– optical communication cable on the border of the plot
– paved roads, LED street lighting

Prices include VAT.


At the beginning of the 15th century, the Pring area belonged to Pirita Kloostr, during Sweden to Haabneeme manor, and a free farm called BRYNCKI is described in town records from 1557.

A region with a very dignified history, in which modern modernity and the harmony of primeval nature are interwoven.

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