1 969 €
Price per square meter
10,50 €/m2
Additional information
square meters 187.50 m2


Address: Liivalaia 13, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tallinn, Harju maakond
Open map  Find route to property


ID: 2271 / 222265
Area size: 187.50 m2
Energy label: noCertificate


  • elevator
  • meetingRoom
  • electricity

The rooms are spacious and equipped with modern communication and security systems that ensure comfort and safety in the workplace. The automatic climate control system allows for the regulation of temperature and air quality as needed, providing ideal conditions every workday. Impressive views of the city and the sea open from the upper floors.

Tenants have access to a parking garage, and clients can park in the numerous public parking lots in the vicinity.

The owner offers interior finishing options with longer-term contracts. Contact us to view a sample of the freshly renovated commercial space.

It is possible to rent commercial spaces ranging from 47 to 455m2 in the building.

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