76 000 €
Price per square meter
0,00 €/m2
Additional information
yard area 10306.00 m2


Address: Vana-Vigala küla, Märjamaa vald, Rapla maakond
Open map  Find route to property


ID: 2031 / 221936
Lot area: 10306.00 m2
Ownership: Immovable
Cadastral number: 88401:001:0211
Building material: Stone


  • separateentrance

If you have dreamed of your own Wine Manor, cider house, boutique accommodation / living then hen this offer is just for you!

A unique vodka factory belonging to the Vana-Vigala manor, founded by the Uexküll dynasty in the immediate vicinity of the ancient oak park from the middle of the 19th century.

A magnificent dignified building between ancient oaks, which gives space to the imagination.

Open the varnish hatches and you will be surrounded by the Wonderful Oak Trees and the Golden Field.

The building has been converted and has been used as a dryer, which may also be the reason why the wooden parts of the building are still in good condition. Massive wooden beams and floorboards, which are no longer found today, mixed with red bricks and limestone.

A part of the dryer opening of the dryer has fallen through, which at the same time has not caused much damage.

What makes the well-preserved building very special is the high chimney and dryer, which consists of two underfloor heating stoves.

The facade of the building has had 3 vaults that have been closed and can be reopened (marked in red in the picture). Internal vault openings have also been closed during the conversion.

ELECTRICITY: 250m and must be joined
WATER: You need to join a local route or make your own well.

Buildings: a production building with a closed net area of ​​331 m2 is located on the property

Website as a gift for the buyer.

The Tallinn-Pärnu highway is 15 km away.

Call, ask for more and let’s go see!
Such offers are rare!

If you are interested, please contact:
or call +372 535 41 778

Call, ask for more and let’s go see!
Such offers are really rare!

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