114 €
Price per square meter
0,00 €/m2
Additional information
square meters 5.20 m2
yard area 2561.00 m2


Address: Männiku tee 112, Männiku küla, Saku vald, Harju maakond
Open map  Find route to property


ID: 1172 / 220668
Area size: 5.20 m2
Lot area: 2561.00 m2
Energy label: A
Cadastral number: 71801:001:0541
Floor number / Number of floors: 1 / 3

The partitions of the warehouse boxes are made of concrete blocks. The building and its surroundings are covered by video surveillance and technical security. All storage spaces are heated and ventilated.


Door width: 1.2 m
Door height: 2.21 m
Room height: 2.9 m
Room length: 2.5 m
Room width: 2 m
Note! With the discount code “UUSMAA,” you can get a 25% rent discount until Midsummer Day.

Mini-storage sizes range: 4.4-11.1 m²
Offices with natural views: 20-43 m²
Garages: 21 m²
Contact me for more information!

Koostöös Swedbankiga pakume:

  • UUS MAA KINNISVARABÜROOST elukondliku kinnisvara hindamist kuni 20% soodsamalt;
  • eelisjärjekorras teenindust Swedbankis ja 0 € lepingutasu (kasuta koodi „UUSMAA“).

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