490 000 €
Price per square meter
310,72 €/m2
Additional information
yard area 1577.00 m2


Address: Ranna tee 48, Pirita linnaosa, Tallinn, Harju maakond
Open map  Find route to property


ID: 473 / 218175
Lot area: 1577.00 m2
Ownership: Immovable
Cadastral number: 78402:204:2000

In Merivälja, close to Miiduranna and Viimsi (Ranna tee 48), there is a 1,577 m² property for sale with the most beautiful home road and sea view in Tallinn. The property has no buildings on it and there is a preliminary project, which is currently in the coordination phase.

All communications (water, sewage, electricity, telecommunications) are available and connections have been paid for.
Price is 490 000 + VAT

The allowed building volume according to the current detailed plan is 25% (approx. 394 m²), and the maximum height of the roof is 9 meters. The current designated use of the land is 100% residential. Referring to the adjacent properties (Ranna tee 46 and 50), there is a perspective to change the designated use of the land if necessary. Though there is no approval yet.

The neighboring property, Ranna tee 50, is 1,444 m² in size, and its designated use has been changed from 100% residential to 60/40 commercial and residential, with a commercial building built on it along with two apartments, with a total net area of 615 m².
The other neighboring property, Ranna tee 46a, is also 55/45 commercial and residential, with four 3-story apartment buildings (with a construction area of approx. 300 m² each) and a Coop store.

Since Ranna tee has a rising relief, there is a sea view from the second floor. There are tall trees on the street side of the property, which provide additional privacy from the road.

For interest and questions, I am happy to share more information.

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