800 €
Price per square meter
26,49 €/m2
Additional information
rooms 1 rooms
square meters 30.20 m2


Address: Mündi tn 4, Vanalinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tallinn, Harju maakond
Open map  Find route to property


ID: 3675 / 239058
Area size: 30.20 m2
No. of rooms: 1
No. of WC's: 1
No. of bathrooms: 1
Readiness: Renovated
Energy label: noCertificate
Building material: Stone
Heating: Electric
Floor number / Number of floors: 1 / 4


  • mailboxes
  • shopWindow
  • conditioner
  • ventilation
  • internet
  • electricity
  • urbanwater
  • kanalisatsioon_tsentraalne
  • citytransport
  • highceilings
  • separateentrance
  • streetentrance

30.2 m² commercial space with a separate entrance for rent in a renovated 15th century building on Mündi Street, near the Town Hall Square.

Commercial space is perfect as a “turnkey” small bar/cafe etc.

NB: A long-term tenant is welcomed (at least 3 year long contract).


* LEASE AGREEMENT: minimum 3-years
* RENT PRICE €800 per month in the first year, €1,400 per month from the second year.
* FURTHER INDEXATION once a year by CPI or 5%.
* DEPOSIT: €5,000

The rooms include: a spacious service room and a toilet. Premises have high ceilings and large shop windows.

The retail space is very warm and with low utility costs: in summer approx. 45 euros and in winter up to 65 euros + water and electricity according to consumption.

During the renovation of this beautiful 15th century building, the roof, communications, facade, corridors and floors were restored.

I will be happy to answer additional questions and arrange a visit to the site.

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