350 €
Price per square meter
24,14 €/m2
Additional information
rooms 1 rooms
square meters 14.50 m2


Address: Valge 4c, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tallinn, Harju maakond
Open map  Find route to property


ID: 2903 / 206872
Area size: 14.50 m2
No. of rooms: 1
No. of WC's: 1
No. of livingrooms: 1
No. of bathrooms: 1
Year: 1961
Roof: Eternit
Readiness: Ready
Ownership: Apartment ownership
Energy label: noCertificate
Cadastral number: 78403:302:0011
Building material: Stone
Doors: Metal doors
Windows: Plastic packet windows
Heating: Central heating
Parking: Free parking in front of the building.
Floor number / Number of floors: 1 / 2


  • lockedStaircase
  • mailboxes
  • shower
  • boiler
  • washingMachine
  • parquet
  • furniture
  • kitchen
  • refrigerator
  • electricity
  • urbanwater
  • citytransport
  • closedcourtyard
  • openkitchen

One bedroom studio apartment. Furnished. There are dishes, a stove and other nipples. Peaceful neighbors and ideal location.
On foot and by bicycle
The most direct route from the city centre is to take Narva Road to Kadriorg Park, and through the park to the end of Weizenbergi Street (it should take about 35 min on foot and about 20 min by bicycle).

By public transport
By tram
Line no. 1: Kopli – Balti jaam – Hobujaama – Kadriorg
Line no. 3: Tondi – Vabaduse väljak – Hobujaama – Kadriorg
From the final stop, “Kadriorg”, walk to the end of Weizenbergi Street (it should take about 10 min)

By bus
Lines no. 31, 67 and 68: Estonia – Kivisilla – Kumu
Take the stairs near the stop and turn to the right at the top.
Lines no. 1a, 8, 29, 34a, 35, 38, 44 and 51 from the bus terminal at Viru Shopping Centre to the stop “J. Poska”
Line no. 5: Männiku – Vabaduse väljak – Viru – J. Poska
Line no. 39: Veerenni – Autobussijaam – Kumu (next to the museum)
On foot and by bicycle
The most direct route from the city centre is to take Narva Road to Kadriorg Park, and through the park to the end of Weizenbergi Street (it should take about 35 min on foot and about 20 min by bicycle).

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