500 €
Price per square meter
0,00 €/m2
Additional information
rooms 2 rooms
square meters 83.80 m2


Address: Rüütli 4, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tallinn, Harju maakond
Open map  Find route to property


ID: 1571 / 221325
Area size: 83.80 m2
No. of rooms: 2
No. of bedrooms: 1
No. of bathrooms: 1
Year: 1400
Cadastral number: 78401:101:3090
Building material: Stone
Floor number / Number of floors: 4 / 4


  • kanalisatsioon_tsentraalne
  • securedDoor
  • furniture
  • furnitureChangePossibility

A unique opportunity to rent a private, large and spacious commercial space in the Old Town of Tallinn, on Rüütli Street, opposite the St. Nicholas Church. Very nice and peaceful area, historical and with interesting architecture.

Area size 83.8 m2, one month rent 550 + km. Deposit – the amount of two months’ rent. The offer includes: large office space / lecture hall no. 204 (58.8m2), storage room (bathroom) no. 206 (3.9m2), smaller office space no. 205 (16.2 m2), intermediate room no. 208 (2.9m2) and only WC no. 207 (2.0m2).

Access is 24/7, quiet and peaceful area.

There are several possibilities of use – open office, studio, lecture hall, workshop, studio. It is desired to rent out the commercial space on a co-rental basis, leaving the owner the opportunity to use the space from time to time for weekend lectures on culture. Lectures would take place with sufficient notice only in room 204, for a maximum of a few weekends per month. The rest of the time, covering all working days, the room is only available to the future tenant.

Utility costs are paid according to the square meters of rental space, and even in the coldest winter months they have not exceeded 3 € / m2. The costs of common areas are shared among all tenants on the basis of a proportional coefficient.

The house has WIFI, monthly fee 6 €.

The building has a nice closed courtyard, where you can take breaks from work in fine weather. The windows of the office space open to Rüütli Street.

Contact me for more info!

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