Pärnu linn, Pärnu linn, Raeküla, Lembitu 8
449 000 €
Price per square meter
1 410,62 €/m2
Additional information
Address: Lembitu 8, Raeküla, Pärnu linn, Pärnu linn, Pärnu maakond
ID: 9663 / 245444
Area size: 318.30 m2
Lot area: 1110.00 m2
No. of rooms: 8
No. of WC's: 7
No. of livingrooms: 1
No. of bedrooms: 7
No. of bathrooms: 7
No. of kitchens: 1
No. of balconies: 2
Balcony area: 11.30 m2
No. of terracces: 1
No. of storage rooms: 1
Year: 1995
Roof: Stone
Ownership: Immovable
Energy label: noCertificate
Cadastral number: 62508:034:0003
Building material: Stone
Body of water: Sea
Body of water name: Pärnu laht
- securedDoor
- sauna
- shower
- bathtub
- parquet
- kitchen
- refrigerator
- electricity
- urbanwater
- kanalisatsioon_tsentraalne
- garage
- citytransport
- closedcourtyard
- fencedterritory
- nearbyforest
- separaterooms