Tõrva vald, Kalme küla, Kase

165 000 €
Price per square meter
1 509,61 €/m2
Additional information
ID: 9650 / 245237
Area size: 109.30 m2
Lot area: 25862.00 m2
No. of rooms: 3
No. of WC's: 1
No. of livingrooms: 1
No. of bedrooms: 2
No. of bathrooms: 1
No. of kitchens: 1
Year: 2000
Roof: Profile
Energy label: noCertificate
Cadastral number: 82401:001:1109
Building material: Loghouse
Heating: Stove, Electric, Electric floor heating
Body of water: River
Body of water name: Jõku
- sauna
- shower
- localwater
- kanalisatsioon_lokaalne
- ancillarybuilding
- nearbyforest
- well