4 080 €
Price per square meter
0,00 €/m2
Additional information
square meters 340.00 m2


Address: Kalasadama tn 4, Põhja-Tallinna linnaosa, Tallinn, Harju maakond
Open map  Find route to property


ID: 893 / 220292
Area size: 340.00 m2
No. of WC's: 2
No. of kitchens: 1
Energy label: noCertificate
Cadastral number: 78401:101:2195
Heating: Combined heating
Floor number / Number of floors: 2 / 3


  • meetingRoom
  • fonolukk
  • climateDevice
  • furniture
  • furnitureChangePossibility
  • kitchen
  • internet
  • openkitchen

If you’re looking for a furnished office with a modern design in the city center, this offer is for you.

The office, filled with natural light through its large windows, includes an open work area, private offices, and meeting rooms. Additionally, there’s a lounge for leisure. The office boasts a kitchen equipped with modern appliances.

Located in a highly visible area, the building allows for a company advertising logo to be placed on the façade. There are 4 parking spots for clients and 7 free parking spots in a secured courtyard for tenants.

The rent is set at 12 EUR/m², plus utility costs and VAT.

Should you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to contact me! I’m ready to assist you and provide additional details about this fantastic office space.

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