74 270 €
Price per square meter
3,04 €/m2
Additional information
yard area 24445.90 m2


Address: Pärna, Lehola küla, Lääne-Harju vald, Harju maakond
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ID: 6873 / 242493
Lot area: 24445.90 m2
Cadastral number: 43101:001:2475

Private Property for Sale near Keila
property size: 24,445 m² (2.45 ha)

This agricultural land with arable fields is situated in a scenic natural area. Building conditions allow for the construction of one residential house (up to 2 stories, maximum height of 10 m) and up to six auxiliary buildings, with a combined building footprint of up to 500 m².

The plot offers privacy with neighbors situated beyond a small wooded area, and access is available 700 meters from a gravel road. Keila is just a 5-minute drive away, making this location ideal for those seeking a home close to nature yet near the city. Perfect for enjoying privacy and outdoor activities in fresh air.

-Electricity: Substation at the property boundary, connection available at a per-ampere fee.
-Water: Can be supplied via a borehole well.
-Access: Direct access from a public road.

Feel free to reach out for more details!

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