864 520 €
Price per square meter
10,74 €/m2
Additional information
yard area 80500.00 m2


Address: Vilivere küla, Kohila vald, Rapla maakond
Open map  Find route to property


ID: 2833 / 132
Lot area: 80500.00 m2
Ownership: Immovable
Cadastral number: 31701:001:2165,31701:001:2166,31701:001:2168,31701:001:2169,31701:001:2170,31701:001:2173,31701:001:2174,31701:001:2175,31701:001:2176,31701:001:2177,31701:001:2178,31701:001:2179,31701:001:2181,31701:001:2182,31701:001:2183,31701:001:2184,31701:001:2185
Body of water: River
Body of water name: Keila


  • detailedPlan

A breathtakingly beautiful and unique development project that includes the area of detailed planning for North Park and South Park. This extraordinary opportunity awaits developers who want to create dream homes in an idyllic environment.

Development Area Features:

Planned residential land for buildings that architecturally and structurally fit the given location.
The maximum plot building percentage is 15%, offering a spacious nature-surrounded yard area.
North Park properties have a maximum building footprint of 300 m², larger South Park properties 350 m², and smaller ones 300 m².
Allowed to build one main building (residence) and up to two utility and ancillary buildings (garage, sauna house, etc).
Sustainable Development Principles:

Exterior finishes of buildings will use eco-friendly and durable materials like wood cladding or plaster.
Imitation materials (profile sheet metal, plastic, cement fiber board facades) are not allowed.
Architectural Requirements:

Houses are to be built with single or double-pitched roofs.
Roof ridges are to be positioned perpendicular or parallel to existing or planned streets.
Auxiliary buildings to be constructed as single-story, with a maximum ridge height of 7 meters from the ground.
Plot Features:

The plot includes large spruces and birches, which can be used as wood material, adding personality and closeness to nature for the future home.
Development Details:

Residential land total: 43,226 m²
Other land total: 37,273 m²
Total sale price 864,520 € (VAT added to the price).

The development is registered in the land registry under number 2506337. The communally used recreational land makes up 32% of the planned land, preserving valuable high vegetation and creating new public green areas.

This offer is aimed at serious developers who value quality and sustainability. Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in our customer day and be part of this exceptional development project.

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Leho Jalg
Real Estate Broker
Mob: +372 52 002 41

Kopli 6, 10412, Tallinn

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