Karlis Kolk

Karlis Kolk

Lawyer | UUS MAA | Head Office | Board Member
Bureau: Tallinn
+372 5334 5554

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About Me

I joined Uus Maa in October 2018. Before that, I worked as a lawyer at the Consumer Protection Board. I have also completed an internship at the Law Office, the Southern District Prosecutor's Office and the Human Rights Center.

Educationally, I have a Bachelor's degree in Law from England and a Master's degree in International Law and Human Rights from the University of Tartu. Therefore, I am fully qualified to represent clients in court.

During my career in Uus Maa, I have successfully represented clients out of court, in the Tallinn Rental Committee and in court (both in the county court and the circuit court). I always try to find the best and cheapest solution for the client.

In addition, I have written several real estate articles (also I have appeared on both television and radio).
For example, the article on hidden shortcomings has become one of my most popular articles, which can be found here: https://uusmaa.ee/kinnisvara-varjatud-puudused-mis-need-ja-mida-ette-votta/

If you want high-quality and affordable real estate legal assistance, please contact me!

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