Real Estate Agent | UUS MAA City
Bureau: Tallinn
+372 5566 9165
About Me
I remember when, at the end of university, people started telling me that I was naturally suited to be a real estate agent. At the time, I didn't listen to it and instead immersed myself in the world of entertainment. However, it was through this same field that I later reached the world of real estate, where I feel extremely at home today!
I do exactly what makes my eyes sparkle, and having been a host at various events for years and still doing so today, I see that these two professions complement each other perfectly, and the skills of one field can be used extremely well and professionally in the other.
I am very conscientious in my work, sometimes maybe a little pedantic, but I believe that if I do something, I should do it as well as possible.
I consider my best character traits to be activity and good communication skills with people, in parallel with a sense of duty and friendliness. I love systematicity and order. I take great pleasure in solving different situations and organizing them.
I keep my mind and health in shape by doing triathlons, and I also enjoy playing football.
I always want to offer my clients quick and professional help regardless of the situation – there are no unsolvable situations, only limited thinking!
My Achievements
Kuu parim alustaja 2022
Uus Maa City Aasta Täht 2022
Uus Maa City Aasta Täht 2023
Uus Maa City käibe III koht, jaanuar 2023
Uus Maa City käibe I koht, juuni 2024
Uus Maa City käibe III koht, september 2024
Uus Maa City käibe II koht, november 2024
Clients about me
Soovime Sind kogu perega südamest tänada väga professionaalse ja kiire suhtluse eest. Aitäh, et aitasid meil leida täpselt sellise lahenduse nagu vajasime!
- Kairi B.
Ersto aitas mul leida nii uue korteri kui ka vana välja üürida. Ma väga hindan tema pühendumust, reageerimiskiirust ja kaasa mõtlemist, mis aitasid mul saada paremat selgust minu soovide osas ning ka jõuda positiivsete tulemusteni.
Soovitan teda soojalt maaklerina.
- Kristel T.
Olin väga üllatunud, kui sain teada, et see oli tegelikult tema esimene tehing!
Väga konstruktiivne, operatiivne ja korrektne tegutsemine ning infovahetus. Viisakas ja sümpaatne noormees, kellega oli väga lihtne suhelda.Ta hoolitses oma kliendi heaolu eest, jäädes samal ajal väga diplomaatiliseks osapoolte kohtumisel.
Kiitmist ja juhipoolset tunnustust väärt koostöö!
- Leena K.