Jõgeva vald, Jõgeva alevik, J.Aamisepa 10

24 900 €
Price per square meter
636,83 €/m2
Additional information
Address: J.Aamisepa 10, Jõgeva alevik, Jõgeva vald, Jõgeva maakond
ID: 8738 / 244498
Area size: 39.10 m2
No. of rooms: 2
No. of WC's: 1
No. of livingrooms: 1
No. of bedrooms: 1
No. of bathrooms: 1
No. of kitchens: 1
No. of storage rooms: 2
Year: 1962
Roof: Profile
Readiness: Needs sanitary repair
Energy label: noCertificate
Building material: Stone
Doors: Old wooden doors
Windows: Plastic packet windows
Heating: Stove
Body of water: River
Body of water name: Pedja
Floor number / Number of floors: 1 / 2
- lockedStaircase
- mailboxes
- wcSeparately
- shower
- boiler
- cableTv
- internet
- urbanwater
- ancillarybuilding
- neighbourhoodwatch