660 €
Price per square meter
10,00 €/m2
Additional information
rooms 2 rooms
square meters 66.00 m2


Address: Maakri 28a, Maakri, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tallinn, Harju maakond
Open map  Find route to property


ID: 1736 / 221594
Area size: 66.00 m2
No. of rooms: 2
Energy label: noCertificate
Cadastral number: 78401:104:0001
Floor number / Number of floors: 2 / 3


  • electricity
  • separaterooms

*Spaces: 2 rooms, without water and sewerage facilities
*WC: Separate WC located in the corridor, exclusively for your use
*Internet: Fast fiber-optic internet connection
*Utility Costs: Average annual utility costs approximately 2 EUR/m²
*Access: 24/7 access to the premises, client access via intercom
*Parking: Parking available in nearby private lots and on city streets

Location Advantages:
The Maakri Street area offers a variety of dining options and amenities. Päris Cafe is located on the other side of the courtyard, and Reval Cafe is just around the corner, along with several fast-food places around Maakri, Rävala, and other business buildings.

The windows offer a beautiful view of the Skyone business building and Päris Cafe.

Maakri Street is excellently connected by public transport, with multiple bus, trolley, and tram stops nearby, making commuting easy and convenient.

Important for Clients:
These commercial spaces are ideal for businesses that value affordable rental prices and a prime location in the heart of Tallinn. The 24/7 access and fast internet connection ensure smooth and efficient operations.

For more information and to schedule a viewing, please contact us.

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