2 550 €
Price per square meter
0,00 €/m2
Additional information
square meters 255.00 m2


Address: Harju tn 9, Vanalinn, Tallinn, Harju maakond
Open map  Find route to property


ID: 11066 / 246993
Area size: 255.00 m2
Readiness: Renovated
Ownership: Immovable
Cadastral number: 78401:101:2570
Building material: Stone
Floor number / Number of floors: 1 / 5


  • internet
  • kanalisatsioon_tsentraalne
  • furnitureChangePossibility
  • separateentrance

For rent: office spaces in a historic building in the old town of Tallinn, opposite Niguliste Church. The building previously housed the offices of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications. The space has become available due to the ministries moving to a common location.

The building is available for rent either as a whole or by floors. The structure, windows, and doors of the building are in good condition. A forced ventilation system has been installed in the building.

Ground floor area: 255 m²

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