Price per square meter
18,00-35,00 €/m2
Additional information
square meters 10391.00 m2


Address: Poordi, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tallinn, Harju maakond
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ID: 91 / 695
Area size: 10391.00 m2
Cadastral number: 78401:114:0061

The first floor of the building is designed for hired commercial space in the extent of approximately
3700 m².

The larger letting premises (surface area approx 100 m²) are located directly next to the spacious promenade. The width of the street meant exclusively for pedestrians is 20 metres. The glass wall of the commercial premises which extends to 3 metres ensures the businesses a good visibility from outside, natural light, and a direct access for the customers from the promenade. Due to a separate entrance you can open your business before and/or close later than other businesses

The smaller letting premises (surface area from approx. 20 m²) are located on the side of the inside street (corridor). The corridor is wide, with high ceilings and natural light. If necessary, the size of the lease premise can be modified by joining adjacent surfaces.

The car park with 85 parking slots for businesses is located on floor -1 by the carwash. In addition, there is a Euro Park car park EP27 located directly next to Promenaadi Maja.

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